I am currently a PhD student in Data Science @ Université Paris-Saclay & CEA-List Institute, working on Optimal Transport for Transfer Learning. Since 2016, I have been involved in many Data Science projects, ranging from Signal Processing, Data Mining and Machine Learning. My research interests involve Optimal Transport, Statistical Learning Theory and Dynamical Systems. I have also worked with Image Restoration and Natural Language Processing. As a long term goal, I seek to work on the interplay between (applied) mathematics and machine intelligence.
In this page, you may find some (hopefully informative) blog posts about papers I publish, and topics I am interested on. You can find me on Github and Twitter (bottom of this page), as well as on Google Scholar and Research Gate,
- 08/08/2022: Our paper Cross-domain fault diagnosis through optimal transport for a CSTR process was published at IFAC-PapersOnLine
- 23/11/2021: Our paper An Empirical Study of Information Retrieval and Machine Reading Comprehension Algorithms for an Online Education Platform was published at STIL’s 2021 Proceedings
- 12/06/2021: Our paper Wasserstein Barycenter Transport for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation was publisehd at CVPR’s 2021 Proceedings
- 13/05/2021: Our paper Wasserstein Barycenter Transport for Domain Adaptation was published at ICASSP’s 2021 Proceedings
- 12/04/2021: I defended my Bachelor Thesis Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis through Optimal Transport @ Universidade Federal do Ceará